The book this site is about, Miracle Zone: God At Work, was written by Lois J. Gallo.

That’s me! Here is a little more about me along with the introduction I included in the book.

About the Author – Lois J. Gallo:

Lois is a creative entrepreneur and leader. She is currently an author, speaker, coach, artist, songwriter,  wife, and mother of two grown sons and the grandmother of a college-aged granddaughter.

Growing up a minister’s daughter, the oldest of five children, she has lived in various places, mostly in and around Toronto, Canada, and Virginia Beach, Virginia, where she now makes her home.

Through the tears and joys of life, her passion has become teaching and leading others along paths she has forged through pain, loss, self-discovery, and ultimately God-discovery. She lives to teach, coach, inspire, and encourage others on their journeys as well.

Lois is retired from a career in financial services. She has served as president of various professional and civic organizations, ministered through music and teaching in church and community, and has enjoyed painting and teaching art. She loves to stay engaged in life as she continues to point others to a loving and involved God they can personally know.

More information about her published books and speaking can be found at You can also view her art at

Lois is available for speaking engagements, retreats, conferences, keynotes, and interviews on podcasts and various media formats.

Introduction To Miracle Zone: God At Work

Perhaps you have heard the saying: “Please be patient. God is not finished with me yet!”

In our everyday lives, God has instilled in us work he wants us to do to live our best life on earth. He has given us gifts to make a difference in the world and reflect his character as light and love in this world. To do that, God calls us into a deeper relationship with him and speaks in various ways to draw us closer to both a knowledge of and a more intimate personal relationship with him.

One day as I came across a sign that read “Construction Zone: Men At Work,” I made the connection with how God is always at work in our lives. He has his blueprint for the work to be done in us, though we may not always realize it. The title of this book came to me from that great illustration.

In the construction zones of life, God shows up and often does miracles. It is in those defining moments and crossroads of our lives where God’s kisses to us become heavenly intersections. In those uncertain times, God places his guideposts along the way to keep us on track and draw us closer to his love.

His signs show up all over the place. It can be a literal sign that answers a question you had about your life direction or something out of the ordinary that happens to get your attention. And I assure you, he will confirm what he is speaking to you if you don’t get it the first time!

It is out of my writings over the years about how I saw God working in my life that I have come up with these chosen stories to share with you. These seem to be the most important and relevant ones in reviewing the places where God spoke to me the loudest.

These stories had to have been miracles, in my mind, as the coming together of everything seemed way beyond coincidence. And with the perfect timing of most of these, I knew it had to be God speaking to me in answer to what was on my heart and mind at the time.

As you read, I trust your eyes will be opened wider to see all the miracles and ways God has been at work in your own life through the years. My surprise, as I started compiling these miracle stories, was in how many times God had met me in these amazing places over my lifetime—where He’d moved heaven and earth to get my attention or answer me in some way. The process of writing these down for you here brought me to my knees in gratefulness for all God has done—not just in all these miracles, but in the everyday whispers and God kisses he sends me continually.

Whether the miracle is large or small, many daily miracles pass us by without another thought. It is in the intersections of these Miracle Zones with our everyday life where we can get our clearest, most urgent messages. They are messages from the heart of our Father God who longs to draw us near to him and lavish on us his extravagant love.

I hope that through these miracle stories, you will not come away thinking about happenings from my life but will find parallels to your own stories, perhaps forgotten or perhaps even still to come. As I’ve shared these stories over the years, many have told about their own similar miraculous stories as well. It wouldn’t surprise me if you, too, would be reminded of many of your miracles along the way!

Through these stories, I pray that you will truly see the hands of the Carpenter at work, using his most appropriate tools to carve his love on your heart. Even through vulnerable and hurting times, as I share with you in some of these stories, I hope you will see how God moves in miraculous ways to transform our lives and deliver his love to the hurting places needing comfort and healing along the way.

We are his workmanship and his handiwork. He loves us and loves showing us off as his creations! Truly this loving Carpenter is at work in us and will continue to be as he brings us to perfection in maturity.

His work in you is for his good pleasure, as he takes delight in you, just as you are right now.

So, rejoice and read on!

Pick Up A Copy For Yourself & A Friend or Two…

If you’re ready to read more and haven’t yet obtained your copy of the book, you can get it here on Amazon.